What is allergic rhinitis ?
Well when we talk about allergic rhinitis we also talk about immunity and digestion. So lets try to understand what allergic rhinitis is. It is a response of you immune system against any allergens which enters your nasal cavity like pollen, dust or animal dander. You might start sneezing, can have runny nose and feverish.
What are the symptoms ?
- Sneezing
- Watery eyes
- Body ache
- runny nose
Reasons of allergic rhinitis
When we eat irregularly, untimely or unhealthy food then our digestive systems may not be able to completely digest all the food we consumed and there it starts creating toxins. These toxins are responsible for most of the diseases and allergic rhinitis of one of them. The undigested food sometimes creates various biproducts like mucous, toxins and acid reflux. The regular upward move of such mucous or toxins weakens and attacks the upper respiratory system causing response from immune system.
Home remedies of allergic rhinitis
- Controlling food habit like avoid heavy food in evening.
- Avoid cold and preserved food and drinks
- drink lots of water
- Add vitamin C like lemon, oranges in your diet.
- avoid oily and fried food.
- Try boiled vegetables for juts few days and you will see amazing change.
- Keep you body hydrated
- Add fiber in your diet which will improve your liver.
- Cleanse you kidneys with coriander leaves.
- Avoid non vegetarian food and food with high cholesterol.
- Try nasya with aayurvedic oils like Anu Tail, Shadbindu Tail, Ghee
- Have chyavanpras daily which helps in cleansing body.
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