Preventions Corona
Its a viral disease which claimed more than 100 thousands life across the world. The coronal beacomes more deadly if you are suffering from any disease or having a weak immune system.
Reasons for weak immune system
- Food adulteration
- Regular food consumption from outside.
- RO water - this filters out most of the necessary minerals
- Consuption of alchohol
- Smoking
- Over exposure to pollution
- Stress due to work
- lack of exercise
In current world maintaining a balanced diet is really difficult, people remain busy throughout the day and they neither take care of their health, personal life. Its always good to follow balanced diet and having proper sleep to avoid any disease. A happy person will always have a good immune system.
How to improve immune system
To improve your immune system you can follow multiple approached like Yoga, exercise, food and rest. All the factors are important to keep yourself healthy.
Yoga & Exercise
You can try yoga and exercise for 30-45 minutes in morning and evening on empty stomach. A cardio exercise is always a good exercise like skipping , jogging or swimming. You can try yoga and pranyams which helps the respiratory system like kapalbhati, anulom vilom, long breathing and fast breathing. You can also do surya namaskar.
Always have vitamin B & C rich food as these are water soluble vitamins and directly help improving your immune system. Zink and magnesium rich food also can help you get rid of stress. Drinking warm water helps to maintain good metabolism.
- Drink citruc juice like lemon or orange.
- Drink tulsi & giloy juice everyday morning.
- Cow milk with chyawanpras before bed time is always helpful.
- Turmeric milk also proves to be good immune booster.
- Control sugar and hypertension by reducing carbs and sea salt.
- Eat protein rich food.
Keep yourself engaged with recreational activities to reduce stress and sleep for 6-8 hours a day.
Do not go out in public places wear mask till the vaccince is out, maintain social distance.
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