We will go through different ways to detox our body but before that lets try understand why and how our body gets toxins?
How our body accumulates toxins ?
There are external and internal factors which are responsible for body accumulating toxins. So what are toxins ? Toxins gets generated in our body even if we have balanced diet as toxins are nothing but any undigested food or the food that we consume after cooking contains preservatives or heavy food those are difficult to digest may release toxins. We attend parties where we eat spicy and rich food, these also can lead to toxins.
What happens if too much toxins gets accumulated ?
Regular deposition of toxins makes our body lethargic and leads to many issues like obesity , we feel lazy and slowly slowly our digestion capabilities starts decreasing and we might see fatigue and gastritis issues. Some times heavy toxin accumulations leads to anxiety and depression issues also.
Different ways to avoid developing toxins
One of the best way to have minimum toxins in our body is yogic way of life, but its very difficult to lead that as the routine includes waking up before sunrise doing regular yoga and meditation along with food which is very light and vegetarian.
Another way is to avoid alcohol, smoking, deep fry items and doing regular exercises.
How our body releases toxins ?
Our body is equipped with mechanism to release toxins, these are with sweat, urine and stool. When we fall sick we see so many changes in our body and we changes in the color of stool or urine this happens because during sickness body forms more toxins and they get released.
Ways to detox our body ?
Please follow all the below options to live a healthy life.
Do cardio exercise for min 30 mins two times a day. These exercise try to keep your metabolism good which helps in proper digestion. You can try the below exercises.
- Jogging
- cycling
- kick-boxing
- jumping jacks
- football
- badminton
Yoga and meditation
This helps in balancing your mind, yoga and pranayama helps you to balance the tri dosas.
You can try the below yoga and pranyamas
- Surya namaskar or yog namaskar
- Different asanas.
- Kapalbhati
- Anulom vilom
- Bramari
- Savasana
Your food is very important for your health it should be completely balanced. Neither have too much nor have too less, neither have too frequent nor have continuous fast. Just maintain balance give your stomach only that much which can be digested easily minimum 1 hour before your next meal. Make sure to maintain at least 4 hours of gap between meals. Have food early at night as your body relaxes your metabolism slows down. Have cucumber, carrot raw in morning and 1/2 an hour before lunch. Don't have them in evening, evening light and easily digestible food.
Detox process
- you can try different detox drinks.
- Hot lemon honey water in morning does wonder.
- Drink adequate water (4 liters)
- Once in a month you can try avipattkar churna (seek doctor's advice on this)
- Carrot juice
- Bittle gaurd juice
- beetroot juice
Wish you a healthy life.
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