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Showing posts from 2020

Common cold (Flu)

 What is common cold ? Common cold also known as flu is basically caused by a virus that enter through mouth or nose. It lasts for 3-4 days and in some cased 7-8 days. Anything which is more than that is rhinitis. The common cold is normally cased during the shift from rainy season to winter when our body do not get exposed to sun and this is the time when most of the viruses and bacteria develop.  Transmission  The common cold is highly communicable and transmitted through sneeze droplets, sharing food or pots.  Symptoms of common cold Running nose Sneeze mild cough headache light fever body pain How to treat common cold ? All the viral infections can be treated by following home remedies. Remain hydrated Vitamin B & C intake is most important. Avoid oily food that created toxins and helps in virus growth. Try to have easily digestible food or liquid food as much as possible. In case if you have temperature then can try paracetamol (on doctor's suggestion) Drink...

Allergic Rhinitis

What is allergic rhinitis ? Well when we talk about allergic rhinitis we also talk about immunity and digestion. So lets try to understand what allergic rhinitis is. It is a response of you immune system against any allergens which enters your nasal cavity like pollen, dust or animal dander. You might start sneezing, can have runny nose and feverish. What are the symptoms ? Sneezing Watery eyes Body ache runny nose Reasons of allergic rhinitis When we eat irregularly, untimely or unhealthy food then our digestive systems may not be able to completely digest all the food we consumed and there it starts creating toxins. These toxins are responsible for most of the diseases and allergic rhinitis of one of them. The undigested food sometimes creates various biproducts like mucous, toxins and acid reflux. The regular upward move of such mucous or toxins weakens and attacks the upper respiratory system causing response from immune system. Home remedies of allergic rhinitis Controlling food h...

Maintain immune system to pervent corona

Preventions Corona Its a viral disease which claimed more than 100 thousands life across the world. The coronal beacomes more deadly if you are suffering from any disease or having a weak immune system.  Reasons for weak immune system Food adulteration Regular food consumption from outside. RO water - this filters out most of the necessary minerals Consuption of alchohol  Smoking Over exposure to pollution Stress due to work lack of exercise In current world maintaining a balanced diet is really difficult, people remain busy throughout the day and they neither take care of their health, personal life. Its always good to follow balanced diet and having proper sleep to avoid any disease. A happy person will always have a good immune system. How to improve immune system To improve your immune system you can follow multiple approached like Yoga, exercise, food and rest. All the factors are important to keep yourself healthy. Yoga & Exercise Yo...

Home remedy for mouth ulcers

Mouth ulcer A mouth ulcer is an ulcer that occurs on the mucous membrane of the oral cavity. Mouth ulcers are very common, occurring in association with many diseases and by many different mechanisms, but usually there is no serious underlying cause. How to avoid mouth ulcers ? To avoid mouth ulcer we need to follow some basic lifestyle rules which are listed below. Drink ample water to keep the body hydrated. Keep the mouth clean and brush two times. Avoid very hot and spicy food, make sure to drink water to balance the hot and spicy food. Maintain proper diet to fulfill the need of vitamin B & C. How to treat mouth ulcer ? There are various ways to treat mouth ulcer, few are listed below. Use B complex tablets and glycerin on the would and take out saliva. Drink excess water for faster relief. use sweet pan (betel) to avoid ulcers on tongue. There are various medicines available like bicosule capsules to fulfill the need of B complex and smile ...

Home remedies for toothache

Toothache Toothache is common problem in current lifestyle. Tooth decay is common problem in modern lifestyle due to the deficiency of fluorine. Sometimes the pain occur due to germs also.  How to avoid toothache Your daily lifestyle can help you get rid of all tooth related problem. Some of the guidelines are mentioned below. To fulfill the fluoride need which helps in tooth decay, you can massage your gums and teeth with sea salt. Sea salt is great source of fluoride. We drink RO water which normally reduces the mineral content from water during the reverse osmosis process. To fulfill the calcium needs you can consume milk products. Avoid eating hot and cold items together like don't drink cold water immediately after drinking hot milk or tea. Make habit of cleaning teeth before going to bed and after having food. Any food stuck on teeth can invite germs. How to deal with sensitivity Tooth sensitivity is major problem these days and people oftenly pay hug...

Benefits of black coffee

Black Coffee The coffee prepared without milk or dairy whitener is called black coffee. There are various options of black coffee like espresso, blonde roast, dark roast coffee etc.  Thanks to its high levels of antioxidants and beneficial nutrients, it also seems to be quite healthy. Studies show that coffee drinkers have a much lower risk of several serious diseases. Here are the health benefits of coffee. When black coffee used moderately then we get the below benefits. Healthy liver It’s been shown that people who drink four or more cups of coffee a day (24+ oz., or two “Tall” cups from Starbucks) have as much as an 80% lower rate of cirrhosis of the liver. People who drink this same amount also have as much as a 40% lower rate of developing liver cancer Improve energy level Due to the presence of caffeine in black coffee which is absorbed by the blood stream and travel to brain help you to get rid of the tiredness. Caffeine blocks an inhi...

Benefits of betel leaf

Benefits of betel leaf F rom using it in prayers and religious ceremonies to eating it in the form of a 'paan', betel leaves contain many curative and healing health benefits. The leaves are full of vitamins like vitamin C, thiamine, niacin, riboflavin and carotene and are a great source of calcium. Since betel is an aromatic creeper, you can easily grow it as an ornamental plant in your homes and derive the maximum health benefits from the same. Often referred to as a paan leaf, here are some medicinal properties of the betel leaf. Helps in treating diabetes:  It is believed that the components present in betel leaves can reduce the level of sugar in the blood, thus treating diabetes. Aids in weight-loss:  Betel leaves can be used effectively by people who are trying to shed weight. It reduces 'Medha dhatu' (body fat) and increases the metabolic rate of the body. Prevents carcinogens that lead to cancer: Chewing betel leaves is known to pre...

Tomato farming at home

How to do tomato farming at home ? Tomato is the edible, often red, berry of the plant Solanum lycopersicum, commonly known as a  tomato  plant. The species originated in western South America and Central America. The Nahuatl (Aztec language) word tomatl gave rise to the Spanish word tomate, from which the English word  tomato  derived. Cultivating tomato at home For cultivation of tomato at home you will need the below items. Good quality soil - Loam and sandy loam soil are good choice. Organic compost Planter pot. Ripe tomato. Procedure for cultivation Soil preparation Collect the soil and crush it well close to fine powder, mix 25% organic compost with the soil thoroughly.  Loam and sandy loam soils are best for tomato production, but these plants will grow in almost all  soil types  except heavy clay. If you your soil has lots of clay, you can improve the texture by tilling the soil and incorporating sand, sawdust, pea...