Green bee eater
The Asian green bee-eater is a small sized bird, rarely growing to more than 18cm in length. The green bee-eater is an easily distinguishable bird due to it's bright green plumage and attractive long tail-feathers. The green bee-eater also has a long, but sharp and narrow black beak which is perfectly designed for catching flying insects.The Asian green bee-eater nominate subspecies have overall greenish plumage. The chin and the throat are greenish blue. The crown, nape and upper back are light rufous brown. The central tail feathers are nearly 7 cm long and prolonged into blunt pins. The flight feathers are greenish washed with rufous tinge. A fine black line runs from the base of the bill, through the eye and beyond the eye.
The bill of Asian green bee-eater species is black, slender, long and slightly curved. The irises are brown. The legs are dark gray and the three toes are joined at the base. There is a conspicuous black necklace. Large groups of birds roost in selected trees. Their call is a nasal "tree-tree-tree" sound.
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