Ashwagandha (Withaniasomnifera)
Konch Shuddha (Mucuna pruriens)
Satavar (Asparagus racemosus)
Safed Musli (Chlorophytum arundinaceum)
Javitri (Myristica fragrans)
Jaiphal (Myristica fragrans)
Shuddh kuchla (Strychnos nuxvomica)
Akarkara (Anacyclus pyrethrum)
Jundbedaster (Castorium)
Swarn Bhasma (Incinerated oxide of gold)
Praval Pishti (Coral)
Vang Bhasma (Thermprocessed stanum)
Shilajit Shuddh Asphaltum
Pan Ras (Piper bettle)
2 tablets morning and evening 1 hour after food with warm cow milk.
Premature ejaculation
This medicine takes 1 month time to show effect so please do not consider it as magic and continue having it for minimum 1 month. Please avoid deep fry food and do regular exercise.
Low sperm count
For low sperm count along with this medicine you may also try to have zinc and magnesium rich food. Fortified food helps a lot in getting good count. You can try folic acid rich food also.
Reasons for low fertility
- Unhealthy lifestyle like having food regularly from outside.
- Use deep fried food.
- Heavy use of electronic gadgets.
- Less exercise
- Stress
- Improper sleep
What should we do to improve health ?
- Cardio exercises like jogging, cycling, swimming etc everyday.
- Include lots of raw food like cucumber, carrot, beetroot, fruits.
- avoid too much alcohol/smoking.
- physical exercise is very important for body to release toxins through sweat.
- try to go on liquid diet once in a week/biweekly.
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